Tips for Successful Co-parenting by Nabiha Hasan, LMSW

Parenting is one of the most important, rewarding, and hardest things we as parents will ever have to do. It is sometimes viewed or perceived to be “the mother’s job,” due to societal expectations for mothers to stay at home and do the child-rearing, but the truth is, it takes two to parent, and many mothers present day are actually not stay-at-home moms.. Notwithstanding the single parents, blended families, and other circumstances in which individuals are left to parent, co-parenting is an essential part of raising a child, and is a partnership in essence. Take note of some of these tips for successful co-parenting.

Communicate. Being honest and upfront about your parenting style with your co-parent is potentially the best thing you can do to consider your parenting a partnership. We all come from unique backgrounds and were parented very differently; oftentimes, we may refer back to our own style of being parented when we become parents ourselves. Taking note of wanting to utilize positive discipline instead of time-outs, for example, and communicating that with your co-parent is the first step to ensure that you are both on the same page.

Use alone time. Whether you are raising a toddler, a school aged child, or a teenager, it is important to take advantage of alone time and give yourself a break whenever needed, especially if you tend to be the parent who is physically with the child more often. There should be no guilt involved in needing a break to give yourself some “me time,” take a nap, or even just be alone in silence. Remember that to care for your child efficiently, you must be comfortable in caring for yourself, because only then will you be able to care for your child in the best way possible. For many parents, there seems to be a sense of peace in having some alone time, which can be very helpful even if it’s not extensive. Parenting alone or without proper use of your co-parent can lead to stress, anxiety, and other issues going forward.

“It takes a village to raise a child.” Even if you don’t have a village per se, the least you can do is utilize your co-parent to raise your child; parenting is not easy work, and to those who may not have a co-parent, please do your best to take the help of others whenever possible. Whether that means having your child spend the night at a grandparent’s, having a babysitter come by while you run some errands, or letting your little one play at a friend’s house for a bit, utilizing that break can be extremely beneficial for you.

Know that our staff at Niyyah Counseling are here to help you explore the options related to parenting, co-parenting and seeking your support system if you need assistance in doing so. All of our therapists are highly qualified, and many of them are parents themselves. Nonetheless, we will do our best to guide you in finding some solutions in this world of parenting that can seem overwhelming at times. We are simply a click away.


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