Specific Exercises to Help Relieve Anxiety by Connor Cohen, LMSW

Anxiety can feel overwhelming, and at times incredibly difficult to manage. Anxiety can have our brain ruminating on past mistakes or looking forward to the worst that is yet to come. Sometimes it feels like our brain just goes off on it’s own, turning down corridors that lead to panic and fright and we are simply along for the ride. But what if there were activities that would allow us to regain that sense of control? Well, we’re in luck! Follow these exercises to reduce panic and regain control over that brain of ours!

Step 1: Something you are already familiar with but with purpose: Chances are, if you are reading this you already know how to complete this first exercise. In fact, you are doing it right this very second! While reading an online article about coping mechanisms and skills is a wonderful way to learn and pass the time, that’s not quite what I meant. I mean breathing! It’s funny how something so vital to our survival can be the same thing that never really crosses our mind. Breathing is a wonderful way to address anxiety, but there is a catch! We’re not talking about the classic in, out, in, out breathing that you are doing while reading these words. We’re talking about breathing with a purpose. Breathing to calm a nervous nervous system. There are many great ways to practice helpful breathing techniques but one of my favorites is the 5,7,8 technique. To use this technique, simply breathe in slowly through your nose for 5 seconds. Hold that breath for 7 seconds and then slowly release the breath through your mouth for 8 calming seconds. Then just repeat as many times as you would like! I personally go for about 3-4 rounds of this breathing technique when I feel anxious. 

Step 2: Visualize your calm: The mind is a powerful thing! Often more powerful than we give it credit for. At night, our brains can conjure up fantastical faraway lands, during the day, our brain is in charge of…well pretty much everything we do. Even though our anxious thoughts feel out of our control at times, we can utilize our brain's power to engage with a sense of calmness.  Try visualizing your favorite place, a place where you feel calm and comfortable, secure and safe. For some, it’s somewhere on a beach or in bed, for other’s their calm place is out amidst nature. The key here is to really sell the scene. Focus on the sounds you would hear in your calm place, can you feel the warmth of the sun or a big blanket? Really challenge all 5 senses to imagine that place.

Step 3: Exercise of…well exercise: I’ve said it before in an article and I’ll probably say it again, but I believe that the universal law that energy can neither be created nor destroyed is as true on a macro, universal level as it is at a micro, personal level. Our anxious energy has to go somewhere. Moving the body is a wonderful way to relieve the physical symptoms of anxiety and it can even reduce the non-physical symptoms as well! Next time you are anxious, try engaging with your body and doing a progressive muscle relaxation exercise. Start by making a fist and squeezing, notice the tension building as you increase the pressure on your hand and notice the sensation or relaxation as you slowly release the pressure. Next try this with other parts of your body that carry tension in your anxious moments like your shoulders, legs or feet. 

Step 4: Reach out: For this last helpful tip, I don’t mean the actual physical action of reaching out to grab something, though stretching can be wonderful for anxiety, I mean reaching out for help if you or a loved one feels overwhelmed by anxiety. Our wonderful therapists here at Niyyah Counseling can help guide you through these and other wonderful techniques to reduce anxiety’s impact and hold on your life. 


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