Depression Is Unique for Everyone, So Treatment Should Be Unique For You, by Nabiha Hasan, LMSW
Depression affects a significant number of individuals worldwide, and can be unique in the way it impacts person to person. Some people may have loss of appetite, others may have increased appetite, and sleep patterns can vary as well; some may sleep excessively and others may not be able to sleep at all. At times, people suffering from depression may have difficulty concentrating or may experience recurring thoughts of death. With depression being unique for everyone, it would make sense to say that treatment should be unique as well. Take a look at the following tips and suggestions in reference to seeking therapy for depression.
Therapy is not a one-size-fits-all, a cookie cutter, or a magic wand. Nonetheless, each therapist has a different approach to treatment and is unique in her or his course of study, experience, and modality. Not every therapist will be a good fit for every client either, and that is ok to acknowledge and accept. Therapists come from all walks of life with various experiences, and are of differing backgrounds, socioeconomic statuses, and cultures; nonetheless, therapists are trained to be culturally competent, open and willing to work with a diverse set of clients, and know when to refer out when a client's situation is not in her or his scope. As a therapist myself, I remember having my first appointment as a student at the university counseling enter, and absolutely hating it. I felt like I was talking to a wall, and the therapist was of a different background than me, so I felt as if she didn't understand my struggles. I acknowledge that she must have been a great therapist, but just wasn't a good fit for me. I did successfully move on to another therapist who was the perfect fit.
Even within one therapist’s practice, each client who is treated will not and should not be treated in the same way. Some clients do very well with homework, as in journaling, for example, and others do much better when they journal in session. Some clients thrive on CBT, and others may despise it completely. EMDR has become a popular and well-researched form of therapy, which also may not be a good fit for every single person.
All in all, it's a great idea to research your therapist before seeking services. Check out what your therapist's specialties are, what population you fall under, and what modalities are used in that practice. Additionally, researching different types of modalities would be helpful to take into consideration, particularly because there are so many out there and it will give a feel for various types of treatment methods in psychotherapy.
If you feel that you are experiencing symptoms of depression, remember to seek help as soon as you can if you aren't able to manage your symptoms otherwise. At Niyyah Counseling, we have a spectrum of therapists with years of experiences who come from all walks of life and are familiar with a variety of mental health concerns. They are well versed in a number of different modalities and participate in case consultation regularly. Remember that you can reach our highly qualified therapists with just a click.