What Are Common Depression Triggers by Nabiha Hasan, LMSW
Depression is a condition which affects a significant number of individuals around the world. It can be experienced by some chronically, and others from time to time due to a variety of factors. There are numerous reasons why one may experience depressive symptoms, as individuals react to triggers and changes differently from person to person. The focus of our article today is going to be on common reasons how and why some things may influence hormonal changes in one’s brain, triggering symptoms of depression.
Seasonal changes. ‘Tis the season to be…not so jolly. Interestingly enough, seasonal changes can affect one’s mental state to the extent of triggering depression. We thought allergies were enough to dislike seasonal changes, right?! Nope, if you ever feel a wave of sadness, check the weather and time of year to help you determine if it is about time for a season change. Additionally, where you are geographically can also affect the extent of the changes occurring in the air around you; in Texas, for example, the season change can be most noticeable during the spring, when allergies can be at their highest peak!
Medication/substances. You may or may not notice that a change in medication or use of substances can impact your mental health significantly. Medications and substances have properties in them which can cause a chemical imbalance in the brain. Some substances, such as alcohol, are a depressant, meaning they will cause you to experience depressive symptoms after taking them. Individuals will often not realize this, and in turn drink more to help them numb the symptoms of depression. Next time you feel depressed, take note of whether or not you took any substances throughout the day, and if that had a potential correlation with your change in mood.
Lifestyle. Possibly some of the most noticeable factors contributing to depression would be a significant change in one’s life. The loss of a relationship due to death, divorce, or other factor may cause one to experience symptoms of depression. Grief may result in one having waves of depression, similarly described as waves of grief after the loss of a close person in one’s life. Suffering from a job loss or being in an abusive relationship are other things which could trigger depression. Having a baby can result in a condition known as postpartum depression, which also can become serious if not addressed in its earlier stages. Cultural and socioeconomic factors, which are often ongoing throughout one’s life, are other things which can trigger one to experience depressive symptoms.
Depression is a significant mental health concern which should be addressed before it can become serious. Nonetheless, if you feel that your depression is becoming difficult to bear, know that help is closeby. At Niyyah Counseling, we are trained and seasoned professionals who have experience working with all types of mental health needs, depression included. You may reach out to us by seeing our contact information on www.niyyahcounselingpllc.com. Help is a click, chat, or phone call away.