Niyyah Counseling

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Three Strategies for Managing Anxiety When You're Stuck at Home

Feelings of anxiety and diagnoses of generalized anxiety disorder are at an all time high - and it shouldn’t come as a surprise to anyone who is paying attention. An already busy and stressful life has been made even more unmanageable by work from home policies and virtual learning. While for some, being at home has eased their anxious feelings, for others being at home as been the root of the anxiety itself. In this blog post we’ll break down some simple ways to manage your anxiety while being stuck at home these last few months.

Welcome Your Anxiety

We know it sounds counterintuitive, but the truth is that simply bringing awareness to our feelings without trying to change them will ease some of the discomfort they bring. Try sitting and spending time noticing your anxiety: where do you feel it in your body and what are the thoughts that come up? Can you look at your feelings, body sensations, and thoughts objectively? Can you welcome your anxiety and get curious about what it’s trying to tell you? Are those messages based on fact or feelings? Our feelings can be valid without being true - sometimes allowing the truth of that to sink in will help some of the anxious feelings subside.

Bring Your Attention to Your Self Care Habits

We aren’t talking about mani/pedis or spa days here. We are taking it back to basics. How much are you sleeping? How much are you eating and how balanced are your meals? How often are you moving your body in a way that brings you joy? Are you making time each day to watch or listen to something that makes you laugh? Are you washing your face and brushing your teeth each day? Are you taking high quality supplements approved by your doctor? These basic ways of taking care of yourself can go a long way in soothing your nervous system.

Try Talk Therapy

Being home alone or with family or roommates for an extended period of time brings on stress of it’s own, but add in with it a tendency to worry excessively, difficulty controlling the worry, muscle tension, irritability, exhaustion, brain fog, and other symptoms of GAD, it can be downright unmanageable on your own. It may be time for you to speak with a licensed professional about what’s going on. Talk therapy is still one of the most effective ways to treat anxiety, and the therapists at Niyyah are ready to get started. Book an appointment or schedule a call today!