How Low Self-Esteem Ties To Depression By Amanda Young, LCSW
There is not much research out there to identify the correlation between low self esteem and depression but there is a link. The way we think and see ourselves impact our mood as well as our outlook on life. Low self-esteem is characterized by a lack of confidence and feeling badly about oneself. People with low self-esteem often feel unlovable, awkward, unworthy or incompetent. Self esteem is also a core belief about how we view ourselves. Individuals who suffer low self esteem are more prone to negative thoughts, feeling rejected, over-thinkers, hypersensitive, hyper-alert and hyper-vigilant. Low self esteem has us looking for something that is not there and can affect our mood based on our own thoughts about ourselves or what we think others are thinking about us.
How we view ourselves and the way we feel can impact our mood. If we think negatively about ourselves, not being accepted by others, constantly feeling rejected, feeling worthless can put us in a bad headspace. Overthinking, making poor decisions that reinforces how we are feeling, listening to our inner critic and believing things that are not true affects how we feel. Depression is a mood disorder that causes a persistent feeling of sadness and loss of interest. Depression affects how you feel, think and behave and can lead to a variety of emotional and physical problems. This too is the same for self esteem.
Cognitive distortions about self and others can make you feel bad and lead to a warp sense of identity which can keep you in a low place and mood. These negative thoughts become a cycle which play over and over in your head further reducing your worth and your confidence about yourself. And feeling that others find you no good or the world is too hard can make you feel lonely and overwhelmed, both of which also can contribute to depression. However, with help you can gain tools to overcome negative thoughts, talk about your feelings, stabilize your mood and increase your self esteem.
Below are a few things that you can do to increase self esteem which in turn will reduce depression and increase your mood.
Recognize and challenge negative thoughts-Analyze the evidence to confirm or deny your thoughts.
Practice having grace and self compassion for yourself-everyone is entitled to have some shortcomings but do not allow those things to define you. Learn from them, to be better the next time around,
Surround yourself with positive people-people who can speak life to you and build on your strengths.
Avoid comparing yourself to others-when you compare, you are robbed of your happiness. Celebrating your individuality is key to embracing everything you have to offer and more.
Talk to a professional-Sometimes we don’t or can’t figure out how to pick ourselves back up and that o.k. By talking with a professional who is not judgmental and provides a safe spot is powerful.
Self care-Taking a break and catering to yourself can start helping you increase your esteem.
Again, the above list is not an exhaustive list. The key is understand why you feel the way you do, your triggers and how to change these thoughts. I believe that once your self esteem increases, then your depression will decrease which will help elevate your mood. At Niyyah Counseling, we have a diverse group of therapists who can meet with you for a 15 min consultation to gain an idea about the issues you are dealing with. Please call us today if you need assistance and one of our therapists will be willing to talk to you,