COVID Linda Hamza COVID Linda Hamza

How Business Owners Can Cope if COVID Killed Their Business by Connor Cohen, LMSW

Owning a business is hard. Owning a business during a once-in-a-lifetime pandemic, that's even harder. As a business owner you may have been prepared for difficulties but it seems as though life gave us the toughest challenge. The pandemic changed the world, it changed how we do pretty much anything. It changed the way we communicate with others, it changed the way we work, it even changed the way that many of us shop.   In truth, the pandemic has been hard on businesses. Whether it is the issue of global supply chains  or issues with staffing, the pandemic has created a whole new world of business. So what do we do when this dream of ours and this goal of ours has us feeling that it has been taken away.  It wasn't taken away because we didn't work hard enough, or because someone else got in the way, the dream was altered because the universe, nature,  an act of God,  or whatever we want to refer to this as got in the way.  The pandemic has forced us all to adapt and business is no different.

In order to cope with the impact of the pandemic on your business there are a few steps that can be helpful.

Step 1:  Analyze and examine just how the pandemic has impacted your business. While  impact has been seen across the board, it has not always been equal. While there are  large corporations bringing in record amounts of profit,  countless other businesses are forced to close due to the extreme nature of the pandemic.  Before fully deciding how to go about coping with these changes,  we must first acknowledge just how much of an impact the state of the world has made on our business.

Step 2:  Adapt.  So we have examined how we have been changed by the world, now it is time for us to examine how we change in response.  These adaptations and changes won't always be easy, they may even change the very nature of our business,  but the dream and goal of our business is worth changing and adapting for.  Now I know that we all didn't sign up for this,  and we can feel frustrated and angry, disappointed, or just flat out defeated but  in life change is needed.  Imagine if we never changed,  we would never move forward,  we would never grow,  and we would fail to adapt.  Now I'm not saying that you have to be on the forefront  of dynamic change,  I'm not asking for revolutions.  What I am asking for is an honest attempt to adapt.  Your dream of business, your goal of business is worth that attempt.

Step 3:  Slowly integrate  original goals and plans accordingly as the world begins to open back up.  There's a reason your original business idea made that fire under you. Chances are it was a pretty good idea,  just maybe not at the most opportune time.  So as we begin to collectively heal as a people, as a nation,  as humanity,  remember that that idea of your business inspired you for a reason.  One thing that's helpful is writing down your "why".  Why are you in business? Why are you doing what you do? Why do people need this business? Keep those thoughts in mind when times are tough. Keep that purpose in mind when it looks like all hope is lost.

Owning and operating a business is difficult,  it will bring about countless emotions and feelings.  And yet despite these difficulties we continue moving forward,  we continue growing, and we continue learning. If the changes in your business have left you feeling stressed beyond what you can handle, reach out to one of our skilled therapists at Niyyah and we can help you navigate this difficult time.

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