Responding to comments that challenge Women’s rights by Kathleen Chandler, LMSW, PMH-C

Well, here we are. Our worst fears have come true. Now what?

First, do not even worry about commenting back to anyone who challenges the basic rights of Women- or any civil rights for that matter. We have more important things to do! You do not need to waste a single second of your precious time engaging that person.

Here is what I invite you to do instead:

Take a moment to check in with yourself. How are you holding up? Let yourself feel your full range of human emotions. Grieve. Seethe. Let the shock set in. Cry. Yell. Feel. Feel. Feel. Notice where you are holding any feelings or tension in your body. Breathe. Are you doing alright? Self-soothe as often as you need to! Call a friend. Connect with someone you love. Process together. Do what works for you! But whatever you do…don’t let yourself succumb to hopelessness. We can’t give into despair; we have work to do!

Next, we get logical. We problem solve. We do the things we know work. We get involved in the fight. The following actions are a better use of your time:

We don’t need to start from the ground up. There are so many organizations already in place. Join them! Donate, Volunteer, Organize, Vote.

Lastly, you may be feeling like you don’t have value. I want to remind you of your worth and right to make your own choices regarding your body and life. I’ll leave you with these statements from our valued and trusted organizations around the world, as a reminder that this is not normal, or okay, and we are not alone in this fight.

The World Health Organization states, “Abortion is health care. Removing barriers to abortion protects women’s lives, health, and human rights”.

The United Nations states, “What has happened in the United States is a monumental setback for the rule of law and for gender equality. With the stroke of a pen and without sound legal reasoning, the US Supreme Court has stripped women and girls in the United States of legal protections necessary to ensure their ability to live with dignity. The decision to continue a pregnancy or terminate it must fundamentally and primarily be a woman’s decision as it will shape her whole future personal life and family life. The right of a woman to make autonomous decisions about her own body and reproductive functions is at the very core of her fundamental right to equality, non-discrimination, health, and privacy,”

The ACLU states, “The ability to decide whether and when to have children is essential to allowing people to control their own lives and futures. For many, having access to affordable abortion care opens the door to fulfilling educational and career goals, better parenting, staying true to gender identities, and other critical parts of life that everyone should have the ability to choose for themselves. No politician should make those decisions for us”.

The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists states, “Abortion is Essential Health Care”.

If you are feeling overwhelmed by the systems and people in your life telling you that you’re worth-less-than-a-fetus, the mental health professionals at Niyyah Counseling are here for you!

We offer free 15-minute consultations! Reach out today!


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